Medical and Nursing Malpractice Cases

  • Loss or injury due to negligence by a health care provider, health care facility, or institution

  • Treatment interruptions

  •  Inadequate staffing issues

  •  Careless treatment plans

Personal Injury Cases

  •  Injury caused by general negligence

  •  Automobile accident

  •  Property liability

  •  Sports injury

  •  Dogs bite injury

  •  Drowning accident

  •  Theme park accident

  •  Slip and fall, high-stacking injuries, physical assault

Products Liability Cases

  •  Injury or damage related to a product

  •  Medical instruments cases

  •  Medication-related cases

  •  Non-medical instrument cases

Toxic Tort and
Environmental Cases

  • Chemical exposure

  • Lead poisoning

  • Waste management and disposal

  • Radiation contamination

  • Pesticides

Criminal Cases

  • Child or elder abuse

  • Psychiatric defenses

  • Victim of violent crime

  • Driving under the influence (DUI)

  • Medicaid and Medicare fraud

Health, Illness and Injury
Related Cases

  • Worker’s Compensation

  • Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Sexual harassment

  • Right to Die

  • Questions of competency

  • Social Security benefits

  • Medicare benefits

  • Insurance

If for any reason you are not satisfied with our work product, notify us within 10 business days and we will amend it to your specifications or give you a full refund.

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